Carpo Law & Associates and Kittelson & Carpo Consulting, in partnership with the British Chamber of Commerce, bring you “Relevant Labor and Employment Updates”. This webinar will cover discussions on substantial issuances of the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), updates on vaccination, duties of employer, and Compensation and Benefits of Employees.
Trisha Alexis Maingat
Carpo Law & Associates, in partnership with Kittelson & Carpo Consulting, brings you “IN-DEPTH DISCUSSION SERIES: Tax and Labor Updates During COVID-19”. This webinar will cover discussions on work preservation under economic difficulty and national emergency. It will also discuss BIR regulations under the newly-enacted Corporate Recovery and Tax Incentives for Enterprises (CREATE) Act.
Pursuant to the Press Briefing of Presidential Spokesperson Harry Roque on March 27, some of the major areas in the Philippines are once again under the Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ). Learn about the changes introduced by the recently-announced proclamation.
Pursuant to Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF) Resolution No. 104, some of the major areas in the country are once again under a stricter General Community Quarantine (GCQ). Learn about the changes introduced by the recently-implemented resolution on March 21, 2021.
Here’s everything you need to know about the transition of the Philippines from Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) to Modified Enhanced Community Quarantine (MECQ), General Community Quarantine (GCQ) to Modified General Community Quarantine (MGCQ), sectors allowed, and other implemented measures.